@ 4:15 I said the Pythagoras Tree was kinda cool because, and then never finished my sentence, I was going to say it’s cool because it has rules that have multiple turtle commands in it’s rules. It IS also cool you can use the Y axis rotation to implement bending, but not my original thought.
Also, if anyone knows why the Y Rotation is the way it is, please let me know
Thanks, you too man!
Yeah, I can’t wait to get something rendering besides the debug draw! The collisions will be so amazing once i get there!
I just implemented some simple procedural spline component stuff, right now, i add a spline, add points until you reach a restore variable, that makes a new spline at that location, and increments an int which drives the spline array index, so that the turtle knows what spline to add points on. I think this is wrong, i think i need to change it so that it pops like the turtle, but im too tired right now to realize what im doing wrong
Edit, in the second pictures, it’s becoming more clear that when it restores the location, it’s making a new spline at that location right? Well, that’s not correct as you can see on the right there is a two point spline, at the origin and at the far right leaf node., this should be at the node before the two leaf nodes on the right. Going to check out spline location .
Wow the trace driven drawing is such cool stuff. Thanks again Jonas_Molgaard for the videos you released. It definitely would have taken me a little longer to get where im at.
goes without saying but commit is on the hub
There is a movement bug. im looking into it. basically i need to offset the location of the hit result. also, i have a weird world/relative movement bug too. i wish someone had a second to look through my code <3
You’re welcome, and im actually in the process of learning the basics of c++ so i may be able to understand how you implement this. However i have issues with VS2015 with UE4.13, but hope to be able to fix it within a few days. Starting to look really good! Keep up the good work.
I hope you get it all fixed up soon! When i was a kid and i made my first c++ program, i knew i’d never love another language like C++, maybe the same will be for you
It’s all super simple ue4 C++ work, i don’t think im doing anything crazy. Well, the lack of const is crazy but most of the C++ functions i use from C++ are now named just like the bp ones. So understanding C++ and converting it to bp or vise versa is never been easier.
Thanks allot I’d love it if you would. I was going to grab it nd try it out but i just haven’t had the time. please do post some here if you end up messing around with it.
…pssst @ Alexander Paschall i dunno why but my plugin tag is gone and the thread in released projects? I could have sworn i submitted this to work in progress, but it’s okay i don’t mind the thread location but can i get a mod or someone to add the tag back on I’ve had people have trouble finding the thread, please and thank you <3
I got it fixed, had to do a full cleanup of VS2015, removing all extra stuff that i apparently had installed earlier, then when i did a new install, of the non Update 3 VS2015, it compiled things just fine. So will have to start out with all the basics for now, but will eventually peek into this project for sure. Keep up the good work.