Limits - Short Film

Hi everyone,

The only way to find your limits is to push them.
Are you ready to meet them?

In Top Gun: Maverick - The Mach 10 scene was my favorite.
The feeling it gave me made me consider trying something similar. I didn’t take it as a copy/paste reference, but as a global thread to take inspiration from : A pilot looking for its limits.

My notes had plenty more idea, but I knew it would take several more weeks/months to get it done properly since I have a full-time job alongside :
Adding a helmet and pilot suit, setting up a full cockpit, animating a dashboard and hands interations, animation of the body, making her speak and answer to the radio accordingly, more particle systems to show the heat and sky debris…

I’m still discovering all of those aspect, one learning at a time, pushing my limits steadily :smiley:

I hope you’ll enjoy this one minute sequence :slight_smile:

If you have any feedback, please don’t hesitate, it is always interesting to gather insights!



Great work! The emotion and lighting!


What a cliffhanger! I must know what happened to our pilot! @EdwinSeigneur, This was an excellent rendition of the “Mach 10” scene from Top Gun: Maverick. Your creation helped me remember how I felt seeing it in theaters; the awe of it all. Thank you for sharing your fantastic short cinematic “Limits” with us here in the forums! :grin:

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Thank you both for the compliments! I’m glad you got back a glimpse of the emotions felt at the movie :grin: