We’re on the right track! Just change the axis in the BP. Instead of Z, try X or Y.
Yes, you have to juggle interp speed and the timing of the SetTimerByEvent…
To rotate a component from a different point do this:
- add a sphere to your BP ( make it hidden in game and make it small enough etc )
- drag the sphere around until it’s at the point you want the arrow to rotate from
- attach the arrow to the sphere ( drag the arrow onto the sphere in the components view ( not the viewport ), the spher becomes it’s parent.
- change the code to rotate the sphere, not the arrow.
Now the arrow is rotating from the point you want, but only because it’s connected to the sphere.
That’s basically it, BUT, moving the components around may have changed their default rotation. To check ( we’re only interested in the sphere now ) select the sphere and look at the details panel, the rotation should be all zeros.
If it’s not, the code will behave in a weird way. Tell me if that’s the case ( getting tired of typing now…
( or, you can just move the pivot point of the arrow mesh, if you know how to do that… )
Yes, scene component or sphere, doesn’t matter. but it looks like it’s still rotation from the center. The code should be talking to the sphere / scene and not the needle any more…
Did you attach the arrow to the sphere…? ( in the components view, top left )
Here you go:
BP is like this:
So, you get rid of the rotating movement component and just handle the arrow directly
Tried it with the SceneComponent will try this aswell. Now here are the results so far
(i’ll design the needle better later as this is just for troubleshooting…):
i tried the SceneComponent but it looked like it’s stuck when rotating on X/Y/Z
Actor rotated 90 deg away in editor to show correctly in game.
These are the rest of my settings.
Sphere is target now (Y axis) but doesn’t react. I know what you mean. Gonna play around for a minute!
Yes my man…check out this epicness!
With the arrow it’s just perfect. Thanks so much for this feature…
The other essential would be to change the clock text randomly on a triggerbox overlap… you’re invited to help figuring out this one too… I’m a total beginner, so your BP knowledge is just great… and your username fits the topic … doesn’t it? lol
Can you convert your Blueprint comment into an answer so I can mark it as solved?
Thanks so much!
Yes please convert your BP comment to an answer so I can mark it as solved!
It’s just the same letter just for design. They should be randomly generated up to 1-6 characters in alien letters. (The font is ready)
You can find the other thread here:
Better start a new thread if you wanna ask about the clockface! ( I can’t see any text there, maybe it’s moving too quickly ).
One question about SetRelativeRotation: How can I set it to a better SetRelativeLocation to make an arrow move up and down smoothly?
(It’s too steppy)
Remember, you need to juggle the settimerbyevent and the interp time. The set timer needs to give the interp enough time to happen… ( you have two arrows now? )
Second arrow should only poke the upper ring… up / down in random time + same speed.
Let’s see… but i can’t get it smooth… which values would you recommend?
Must i remove the -90/+90 clamp and Target Rotation var?
No, if you remove this stuff, the first arrow stop working. I’m not seeing code for the second arrow?..
It’s an own Blueprint. Rotating needle has been duplicated:
Instead of rotation - Red should move up and down smoothly
Ah, sorry, yes see it now… I think the timer is firing too quickly for the finterp to catch up ( like I said ;). I will show you another way with a timeline ( gimme 5 )