Limit listen server Send and Receive rate

i have a deathmatch game with a listen server and i want to limit the amount of packets sent

currently if the clients have 200fps the server receives 200 packets per second, i want to limit the Client Send Rate so it is not framerate dependant

same with the Listen Server Send Rate, i cound’t find much documentation on this

i currently have this on my DefaultEngine.ini but it is not working


Acording to this page of the documentation: Performance and Bandwidth Tips | Unreal Engine Documentation

You would want to set: “NetClientTicksPerSecond”

Though i don’t know where to :smiley:

i set every actor Net Update Frequency to 30 but it is still sending and receiving packages every frame

according to UNetDriver::ServerReplicateActors | Unreal Engine Documentation

NetClientTicksPerSecond is the amount of clients updated each frame, not the amount of packets sent or received