LIL 3NVI - 3D Rapper Vocaloid in Ue4

Hey everyone I wanted to show some of my work with lil 3nvi. She is a 3D virtual influencer and Musician that uses Vocaloid 5 for vocals. The goal is to use UE4 to create surreal otherworldly music video experiences for the Audience.
[/lil 3nvi - if you want m3 - YouTube]
[/lil 3nvi - CYBER DIVA - YouTube]
[/lil 3nvi - 𝐹𝐼𝒒𝑀𝐸𝒩𝒯 - YouTube]
[/lil 3nvi - POISON IVY - YouTube]
[/lil 3nvi - CANDY - YouTube]