Lights attached to objects in sequencer not being rendered (2024)

Hello creators. Please help.
I’ve placed 2 spotlights in my scene to act as headlights for a car I’m animating. I’ve added them to the level sequencer and have attached them to a simple box.

(spotlights attached to reference object that mimics the car’s movement)

I copied the Location & Rotation transform keyframes from the car to the box that has the lights attached to it (the reason I attached the lights to this box instead of the car mesh/root bone itself is because, for some reason whenever I save the scene, the lights always revert to 0,0,0 transformation, but when attached to a separate object, they don’t do this. They stay in place)

(Reference object is a simple cube that isn’t attached to anything itself. I just gave it the same transform keys the car has so it follows it. The spotlights are attached to this box)

Anyway, everything works dandy in the viewport, and even when I simulate the scene and play the animation sequence, it’s all good, but when I render the scene, the output frames come out with all spotlights missing.

(Spotlights should be illuminating the ground in front of the car here)

Additional info: I recorded the car animation using the City Sample sandbox vehicle by running the ‘game’, driving around, and recording it in Take Recorder, disabling Physics and converting it to Possessable instead of Spawnable so that it appears in the render. It goes crazy and doesn’t work without these tweaks.

I’ve tried and tested every setting I can think of. When the lights aren’t attached to anything, they show in the final render, but when attached to something, they don’t.

(Here are the spotlights when detached from any object and just on their own in the sequencer. They show up in the render fine)

It also more particularly only happens with spotlights more than it does with point lights (I tested both), although the results aren’t guaranteed. Point lights have also disappeared occasionally, so I really haven’t been able to narrow down the causes of this glitch.

Has anyone else encountered this problem? I’m out of ideas. :sob: