Lightmap resolution on movebale charaters / pawns

Hi everyone,

(Sorry for the horrific typos I typed this pre coffee :slight_smile:

I am just wondering how to get the best out of how light falls over and reflects back from a character in your game / pawn.
I know with lightmap resolutions you get better results on static meshes but how does it actually work on moving characters?
I know light is not baked onto moving characters so how does it work then?
I ask because I notice in my block game with a character “roughly” built I get lighting errors where it gets light where it shouldn’t.
I added a normal map to the material of the mesh and it made a huge difference but is not 100% right yet.

Just wondering if there are settings somewhere where I can optimize this.
Or are there “golden rules” when it comes to lighting res on characters / pawns?
Thank you for your kind answers.

Lightmaps have no effect on skeletal meshes/movable meshes. It has to use dynamic lighting, there’s only general settings for dynamic lighting that applies to everything.

I see thank you.
That is what it seemed like I was just making sure there are no settings anywhere to fine tune the accuracy in which
a movable mesh interprets light falling on it.