Lightmap and color issues

Ok so I imported a mesh from Maya>Substance Painter>UE4 and the result is far from what i have in Substance painter. I followed this link A new, community-hosted Unreal Engine Wiki - Announcements - Epic Developer Community Forums
and got something like this:

2016-05-30 14_22_10-Motel_room - Unreal Editor.png

When in Substance painter I have something like this:

I lost a little bit of details, the colors seems wrong and I have lighting issues.

UVs and Lightmap:

2016-05-30 14_22_10-Motel_room - Unreal Editor.png
2016-05-30 16_06_56-UV Editor.png

Also when I reimported my static mesh into UE4 with a lightmap it was a bit better but as soon as I rebuilt the lighting it went back to the same lighting issues.

Anyways if you need more picture to know whats going on please tell me. Thank you guys.

you mean the shadow leaking?
in that case you should increase the lightmap resolution.