Lighting will not build

I’ve suddenly hit a problem is a specific level where I can’t seem to build static lighting. I click build and all that happens is the view port turns into something like the attached image (which flickers around a lot), at least, that’s what it does on a mac, on a PC it does nothing at all. I have tried migrating the map to a new project and still the same.

I haven’t been able to recreate the problem anywhere else except on this level and I haven’t been able to find what’s causing it. Deleting everything from the level and the level blueprint yields the same result, no light build and a flickering view port.

Doesn’t seem to be anything I can do about it except recreate the entire level. If anyone have any suggestions for a fix they would be most welcome.

Hey Zaeran,

You pretty much went through the suggestions I would have had.

It does look like from the screenshot here (had to put my shades on to see it though :slight_smile: ) there is some graphical issues in the middle and top right of the screen.

Would you mind sharing the project with the level that is causing the issue? You can remove anything unnecessary. I’d like to look into this a bit more.

If you’re willing to share you can post a link here or shoot me a private message on the forums with a link.



I am attaching the map. I removed almost everything. If you’re trying to build on windows the view port won’t go crazy like on a mac, but the light build will still not work.

link text

Hi Zaeran,

I’ve opened the map and taken a look. I was able to see that even for me it would not build at all. So that’s good that I could get that to reproduce on my end!

From the looks nothing I did could get lighting to build on this level which means it’s become corrupted somehow and cannot have lighting built.

I do have a workaround for this though.

Initially I tried selecting exporting a t3d file (this knows the placing of all objects in the scene), and import that into a new level, but that would corrupt sometimes now allowing lighting to be built again. You can try this method though.

Go to File > Export All > Change the save as type to Unreal Text (.t3d).

Create a new blank map > File > Import > Select the t3d file you just created.

This would allow me to build lighting and then if I closed the editor and reopen it would corrupt sometimes. Not every time though.

The most successful method I tried was using copy/paste.

Go to the scene outliner in the top right > Select everything > Right Click > Edit > Copy

Then go to File > New Level > right click > Edit > Past

or just use Ctrl - V to paste.

I’ve yet to have whatever corruption is happening break this version of the level.

Can you give that a shot and let me know if this works for you?



Thanks, I used copy paste and it worked for the level. (Too bad it doesn’t work for half of the level blueprint though) :wink: