lighting needs to be rebuilt missing

a few days ago it just disappeared yes stats is enabled i think i remember typing something in the console to get rid of it and now i cant get it back please help

If you mean stats, it can be triggered from the viewport menu:

yes mines on but i get nothing about my lighting

You can try some of the ones listed below:

  • r.Lightmass.Debug: This command displays the lightmass debug information on the screen. It can be useful to see the status of the lightmass build process and to identify areas that may need further optimization.
  • stat LightRendering: This command displays information about the lighting system, including the number of lights, shadow maps, and other related statistics.
  • stat SceneRendering: This command shows detailed information about the current frame, including the number of draw calls, triangles, and other rendering statistics.
  • stat Unit: This command displays information about the performance of the game engine, including the number of draw calls, triangles, and other hardware-related statistics.
  • stat FPS: This command shows the current frame rate and the average frame rate over the last second.
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i tried all of that it still doesn’t tell me to rebuild my lighting

I think the console command ‘ENABLEALLSCREENMESSAGES’ fixes it…

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Yes, that seems to be the one. I even think it says how to disable it underneath the warning. EnableAllScreenMessages and DisableAllScreenMessages.


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i did that but its still not there im not sure if its because theres no lighting that needs building or because its not showing up

Assuming you have a static directional light, just move any object.

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im such a idiot my light was set to movable setting it to static fixed it thanks so much to all of you that helped

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No worries :slight_smile:

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