I made a blueprint which generate some walls, but I’m having a little problem when building the lights.
It seems that the lighting isn’t built for instanced meshes, but for non instanced works fine.
In another question says that the generated meshes aren’t static, and indeed, searching in the details panel in the blueprint editor for the instanced mesh it says it’s movable, but changing it for static doesn’t work either.
In the left is the non-instanced version, in the right the instanced mesh generated by the blueprint. As you can see, there are vertical lines of shadow, which are in the non-instanced walls when the lighting isn’t build.
What setting I’m missing other than set the instanced meshes as static?
I got my solution: I need to put also the root component of the blueprint as static. Indeed, when I place the blueprint in the editor, it seems like the walls inherit some characteristics of the root ( in this case, the movable property )
ok so i have a blueprint that generates a building , i can set it to use instances or not. the issue im having is with the lighting. im not even sure what to call it but you can see each individual instance with a distinguished difference between tiles. if i set the light to dynamic all is
Well, sorry for not being helpful, but I still have this issue with static lighting from UE3. Every time I search for this problem, I found that it’s related to lightmaps, but I was never able to solve it.
The only way I found to solve this issue is to complete the scene, place the lights and other objects and let the user’s brain to correct the missing or wrong information.
there is no setting to fix this ? im wondering if it could be the way that im instancing the meshes, the actual instancing is done in a macro, im going to run some more tests and post my results soon, I really want to figure this out