Lighting Error

I get a error when building lighting in UE 4.8. No I dont have the preview and I did test this out with multiple projects and it keeps on giving me the same error. When I try to build lights the engine just crashed and it keeps on doing it.

Hi -

Thank you for your report. We will begin investigating this issue immediately, in the mean time if you could answer the following questions for us to narrow down the issue.

For a crash, can you please post the Machine ID which appears in the Crash Reporter when the engine crashes? Make sure that you are submitting this crash as well.

You said that you have tested this in multiple projects, can you reproduce the crash in the First Person Template or Third Person Template? If not, in the projects you have tried it in are you using a large landscape?

Finally as a baseline, can you post your DXDIAG?

We will await your answers, Thank You Again -

Eric Ketchum

I have tried this with the 3th person template and first person template. I had to uninstall the engine because I thought it must have been a something wrong with installing the engine so until then there is my DXDIAG:
link text

Hi -

From your DXDIAG, it looks like you are running the engine on a laptop. I cannot immediately tell you you only have the Intel Integrated graphics card or if you also have an NVIDIA graphics card as well. We have found that laptops with only Integrated Graphics often have a more difficult time running the editor and typically have lower RAM which causes issues with the lighting builds.

When you get everything installed again, feel free to post here with the Machine ID from the crash and we can continue helping you.

Thank You -

Eric Ketchum

I understand with Laptop it is harder for me to run the editor but I never had lighting errors. So back to the crash when I build the level it stops at Lighting at 44% and I am using the 3th person template blueprint version and I changed nothing and it crashed with a message box saying that the was “A unhandled Microsoft .NET Framework Exception in UE4Editor.exe [4692]”. I not sure where to find the machine id but here is the log link text

Hi -

This sounds like you may need to update your dotNET Framework files. Try running Windows Update and see if you have any dotNET updates available.

The message that pops up is it in the Unreal Crash Reporter or a standard Windows Pop Up? If it is not the Crash Reporter than something outside of the editor is causing the crash when you use the editor. You can narrow that down by using the Windows Event Viewer.

Thank You

Eric Ketchum

In the event viewer there a an Application error(Unreal) .NET run-time error and a Perflib error. I am wondering if the Perflib is the source of the error.

at least 4.5, if you save out your event viewer file with those three errors in it I will be happy to take a look.

Thank You

Eric Ketchum

If I am ask what version of .NET should I have?

I can’t upload the log file here so I just put it in this github repo

Hi -

Make sure you are running both the Editor and the Swarm Agent are running with Administrator Privileges. It looks like the crash is caused by lack of permissions, Event ID 1008 — Performance Library Availability | Microsoft Docs

Thank You

Eric Ketchum

Thank you for eveything!