I’m going to be straight forward with what I need. I want to be able to move next to a model I’ve made. Be able to hit “e”. Doing so it should turn on 1 light. I also need it to be able to turn off while hitting “e” again
So for example, if I walk in one room hit “E” it turns on one of the lights. Walk into another room hit e on that switch, and turns on a different light. (I can also do the same with turning them off)
Pictures of the blueprint would be great 
Was feeling helpful today and you had no replies… so…
Create a new blueprint actor and give it a name. I called it LightBlueprint. Add a box collision to it and make that the root and give it whatever name you want (I called it TriggerBox). Then create two variables… one boolean called something like “State” and one point light. For the example I made, I made it an array, so you can add multiple lights to it (so for instance, if you had two ceiling lights in a single room, this could control them both). So your blueprint setup should look a bit like this:
Now you want to create three events. Again - as I made the light references an array I’ve got some ForLoops in here, but if you don’t want to use arrays, instead using a single light entity only, then you would just skip the ForLoops and plug that light directly into the SetActorHiddenInGameNode. The events you want to create are as such (I’ve commented them so hopefully they make sense):
Now open up your character blueprint. I made this using a blank FirstPersonTemplate project, so the character used was FirstPersonCharacter. In here you want to make a new variable that is of the type of actor you made initially (so for my example, you would use the LightBlueprint actor). Again… I made this a little more scalable by making this an array, allowing a player character to overlap multiple triggers and turn them all on/off at once. If you don’t want that just don’t make it an array
Once you’ve made the variable, hook up some logic to the E button event as follows:
Finally, jump back into the blueprint you made (LightBlueprint) and add the following logic to the trigger volume overlap events:
That’s it. Now you can drop your LightBlueprint into your level and then you can simple assign lights to it like this:
Hope that helps.