Light Shafts on Point Lights?

Volumetric lighting would be awesome as well but god rays from point lights was already in UE3 so it seams like the next logical addition as it’s kind of the only thing missing from UE4 that UE3 already had implemented - Since they just added back in emissive static lighting to UE4 which UE3 already had i would imagine god rays from point lights would be coming down the pipe soon.

At the very least a special actor that just emits god rays would be a nice addition.

any new info on ?

Bump. I need on spotlight for flashlight and street light visible cones, i see there’s some code in ue4 already but it’s “Disabled for now”
What’s needed to get working ?

I was sad to figure out today that was in UDK and it’s not in UE4… :frowning:

Not all features that were available in UE3 are able to be done with Deferred Rendering and some of the features just haven’t been implemented yet. UE4 is still relatively new compared to the years of development that was put into UE3. Epic has a very dedicated team of engineers, but some things will take time.

already responded earlier in thread regarding shafts for point lights.
"The code mostly supports point lights but it’s not exposed because there are some severe problems remaining.

For the bloom component of the light shafts, it’s really unwieldy to use with a point light because you have to make sure there are bright opaque pixels right near the light’s actual position. In practice it is very difficult to setup so that it looks right.

For the occlusion component of the light shafts, lights don’t have a volumetric inscattering effect yet so there’s nothing to shadow. is where light shafts on point lights could really excel, but we’re missing the other that needs to be done first."

I honestly would not want Epic engineers to waste time on bringing lightshafts to point lights when what we actually want is, as mentioned, real volumetric lighting. The shaft thingy is just a fake effect to make it look like it was kinda volumetric, but its screenspace only and really poor compared quality wise. I can definitely wait a bit longer IF you would start working on volumetric lighting pretty soon!

However, and thats the important part…almost everybody else has it (also points at anamorphic or at least tweakable lens flare/bloom shapes, why not go for something similar to YEBIS Post Processing Effects Middleware YEBIS | Silicon Studio Corporation)…so I would say its almost crucial to be competable with other engines out there.
So if Epic says something like: we probably wont have time to tackle …lets say in the next 10 months…then I would definitely like to get the point light shafts because waiting for more than 10 months to get volumetric lighting in sound extremely unattractive xD

But yeah…I would prefer volumetric lighting of course :wink:

I can only second that Daedalus51! Rather go for proper volumetric lighting, I really hope it won’t take too long for us to get it though. It can add a lot to the overall atmosphere of a game!

Batman Arkham Knight has it and it looks pretty good

so, more than two years later … will it ever come?

As i know since ue4 4.16 the volumetric light are supported

point lights now have the option “cast volumetric shadow”