Light propagation volume and 4.9.2


I really want Realtime Global Illumination. I’m trying to get light propagation volume to work in my project that is running version 4.9.2. When I go to consolebvariables.ini settings, if I type “r.LightPropagationVolume = 1”, it crashes immediately when I enable indirect lighting on a directional light.

If I type “;r.LightPropagationVolume = 1”, it doesn’t crash, but the GI effects don’t work like I’ve seen them demonstrated in various youtube videos.

So has this been removed, changed, implemented in a different way?

Remove the semicolon (“;”). The semicolon is the comment character, so effectively you’ve just put “r.LightPropagationVolume=1” as a comment and not as an actual option.

Apologies, That was my first question. I don’t put it in quotes. When I type the code without the semicolon. It crashes. When I do it runs but the effects aren’t seen at all.

Hi thentity,

There is a known crash right now with LPV and some translucent objects. So if you’re using the starter scene with the chair, table, and glass statue, it would be better to switch to a blank map or something that doesn’t use that. I’ll be trying to narrow down why this is happening with the content tomorrow a little bit more, so hopefully we can get a resolution in the near future.

Try a new default level with that content if you’re using and let me know if that works for the moment.

