Light limitation on Android

Dynamic lighting is fairly limited on mobile, but you have two options:

  1. Use OpenGL 3.1 + AEP. Most of the limitations disappear, and you can use dynamic lighting, SSR, and more complex materials. You are still limited by the performance of the device so you need to be careful with how many features you use. The downside is that you will only be able to target the very newest Android devices. Also, you will need to compile the engine from source and, I believe, there is only support for the Nvidia Shield tablet right now. Support for all compatible devices will be coming eventually, but I haven’t heard any news on that yet.

  2. Create simple dynamic lights yourself in the material editor. You can use simple distance and/or dot products to add emissive light yourself for simple lights. You simple create a parameter in your material for the location of your light, and I suggest calculating the light in a custom UV to make it cheaper. I posted a couple simple examples in a thread here. That should give you a starting point if you want to try that method.