Light intensity slowly increasing when first playing the scene

Hi everyone, when I play my scene the light is very dark and I can’t even see anything, but it slowly increases during the first several seconds until it reaches the desired intensity and stays there, how do I make it the correct intensity from the first frame? thanks
first frame:

several seconds later:

NB - How do I change the white skyline between the sky and the fog (The area inside the red rectangle)? thanks, I’m very new to UE :slight_smile:

It’s auto exposure.

Usually, you can just turn it off in the project settings, but that doesn’t work in 5 at the moment. The only way to stop it, is in the post process settings on the player camera:


“What is Auto Exposure” for $100 (low hanging fruit on this one).
we playing the opposite of jeopardy…

Amazing / are you sure?
They implemented a curve parameter for it back in 4.26ish from your screen-cap they reverted that too, which knowing them seems unlikely.

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Yup. The project switch does nothing. Also dropping a PP volume in the level has no effect.

Changing the player cam, was the only way I could find :crazy_face:

Ydrapoej ( opposite of Jeopardy :slight_smile: )

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faced the same problem on ue5.1

this video saved my nerves haha

Disable Auto-Exposure (Eye Adaptation) Using New Min/Max EV100 Values in 5.1+

maybe it can help someone else