hello, I am doing some testing with 5.2 and the now native GLTF exporter plugin. After I did a full and successful GPU lightmass baking for static lighting, everything seems to be correct in viewport and play. If I try to export using GLTF plugin, in 5.2, the option to export the lightmaps is missing entirely. In 5.1 was still there. Am I missing something? is it being deprecated or it’s just a work in progress for the 5.2 preview and it will be added again once it officially releases? thanks
Lightmaps export were managed only as a custom EPIC extension for glTF. This extension being custom no other viewers than the one we provided was supporting that feature. Therefore we removed it.
that’s too bad since we have a playcanvas modded player that we used for importing GPU ligtmass baking from UE… do we have any alternative or workaround to use that lightmap export from 5.2? thanks for the reply ))
Yes, that a pity. What is the workaround to still having this option with UE 5.2. I was using it to export manually content to WebGL, and lightmaps export was the best tech I had.
PD: What do you mean when you about “EPIC custom viewer”? Thanks.
Thank you for your two feedbacks, I will note your hope to have it back in our backlog so it stays on our radar.
I am afraid there is no work around for that option in 5.2. Maybe modifying back the code yourself, but since our dev did refactoring I am not sure it will be an easy endeavour.
We got a custom gltf viewer here GitHub - ue4plugins/GLTFWebViewer that was able to read and use the “EPIC” extensions.
A key part of our product relies on these, its EXTREMELY important to us. At the very least I’d rather you worked with khronos to standardise these gaping holes in the gltf spec (just today we were asked about additive blending for example something you guys also added as a custom extension)
Hello Flavien, checking in on this functionality as this is absolutely CRUCIAL to our workflow. Literally needing to explore Unity and their offering and it’s making me sick LOL.
It seems there are others that have been leaning heavily on this functionality and there are zero options for us other than to use outdated versions of the engine that once had this functionality. Are there plans to bring this back in any capacity in future releases? Thanks!
Hello! This function is very imortant - to have an option for export lightmaps for editing. I’m the famouse VR architect and started studing UE5, but now i dont see any reasons to study it any more, without this function, i’m not game developer but an Architect. Unfortunatly…
They should just make it so you can export the lightmaps as textures if there’s no option to export them with GLTF anymore. The lightmap extension should be in the Khronos extensions by default.
Hi, im also an architect and not having the functionality of exporting lightmaps or this option in the GLTF export limit my workflow a lot. Unreal is a great engine and give us quick results in baking the lighting into the model, but if we cant export it we cannot communicate with other architectural software. Please give us an option as architect users. Thanks
it will be nice, I thought when I started to read the 1-year thread, I had my answer at the end but sadly no.
so i add my voice to it.
Have a nice day.
Hello all, following your feedback we reintroduced the option in 5.6.
Those of you that build from source should already have the option back if you get UE5-Main from github.
Here is the associated commit https://github.com/EpicGames/UnrealEngine/commit/a8ea9fb1092749cb219d6a328a79326d49bf2f9d
It still need to get QAed.
That is very very very cool. I am looking forward this again the viewer GitHub project will be updated too? Thanks!