Hey Guys,
does anyone have an idea what causes this glowing artifact? im getting it a lot when 2 static meshes are close to each other like a commod next to a wall or like in the screenshot i have attached. any guess is blessed!
Check this twitch stream, it talks about most common and basic issues with lighting and how to solve them. At 21:00, Tim Hobson talks about the issue you are facing.
Thx!! after looking at the stream it seems that it is sort off the same artifact but different scenario (also the option he shows to eliminate the artiface is to change the mesh size and the lightmap size which in both cases doesnt work for me). my meshes aren’t bleeding outside of the house structure . both meshes are at the same place but when touching each other this artifact happens. i have the same issues under beds ,behind closets etc…
so if someone has another idea im open for sugestions.
If you have a surface like a wall/ceiling/floor and they extend beyond each other then the surface outside of the wall will still receive lighting or shadows which will often bleed onto the visible area, to fix this you need to make the edges line up exactly.
as i said it happens even when there is no colliding or intersection between meshes. here is another screenshot that shows the giant glow behind the fridge. btw am i the only one experiencing this?
All meshes are set to static and their geometry have some thickness?
Can you post a zoomed out shot so we can see a bit what’s going on around the fridge?
also, in the 1st screenshot you posted, you have over 2000 objects with unbuilt light…
Try changing these settings. And add to the scene “LightmassImportanceVolume”