Have you tried visualizing collision volumes(pxvis collision) ?
It may be that the physics is a step behind the rendering.
You could try enabling CCD in the physics options for either the lift and or the player.
I tried CCD to every component before but it didnt helped…
Now when i reloaded project, “SWEEP” boolean helps and character is not more stucked in lift and dont drop after jump, but that actor affected with “sweep” is not moving when im standing on him…
Yep sweep should stop actors movement (now i read doc),
Im using currently 4.11 and tested it also on 4.10.4 engine…
Substepping i enabled and tried to change all its values…
If you could test that lift i will be very grateful… im trying to solve this over 20 hours googling and engine digging but without success…
btw i dont understand exactly what you mean with that “idea of how far yours travels”, but my lift is moving up ±15 meters over 2 sec (if i tried very slow lift, then i can jump, but in faster lift i cant and that stuck render looks bad)
(im using only basic nodes…very easy - tick and SetActorLocation)
I tried using my lift to accelerate the player quickly, It worked fine once.
My lift seams to give a large impulse to objects on it as it accelerated my character really fast, I probably have to tweak some physics settings before I could do a proper test.
I think i know what you mean, in character movement disable something like “Z velocity” (or impart base velocity Z, im not at home so i cant check it right now) which is added to jump if you are moving on lift… and after that you will get proper physics