Lieutenant Resnik transmission aboard the Dandelion

As I am getting ready to begin the last stretch of the sci-fi short REPLICA I did a quick test to test our main character’s clothing, performance and mocap all at once. For this test I used the MOVE ai single camera solver which did need quite a bit of cleanup and the feet and hip had a lot of swimming. Even with that it is an amazing tool, that can get you extremely fast mocap with minimal setup.

Hope that yo enjoy this transmission from the Dandelion


Hi there @playard_studios,

Hope you’re well and having a great week so far :slight_smile:

So cool to see what mocap can do. I think it turned out great and presented itself as authentic. Super polished :smiley: Are you currently working on another project with mocap or are you taking a break for a while?

this looks really good look forward to seeing the finished film :+1: