Hey all,
Most of my work is pretty complex scenes for VR (large outside flowing into inside spaces like museums or art galleries) that leans more on the VR experience than archival 3d scans. I’ve got a potential client that may be hoping for some volumetric measuring or will need me to render an unfriendly photogrammetry scene that a LiDAR scanner would help with, so I’m thinking of renting one for a bit if needed.
Background here is that I have not used a professional LiDAR scanner (Faro/Leica/etc) but am pretty familiar with RC. I was hoping anyone who had experience with integrating LiDAR scans into the work flow could give me some advice by answering some questions (some of which may be so off base that they are unanswerable):
- From the forums, it seems Faro line fits into the workflow pretty easily and one can get good results from an X330 or X130 which seem the easiest to rent. How easy are these to use? There seems to be a good paper trail on the Interwebs on how to operate them and enough in the RC forums/etc for the workflow and file formats.
- I know there is a thread or two of comparing RC and RC+LiDAR but they are few and far between - anyone care to illuminate how much better the LiDAR combination is if accuracy ISN’T a priority (how good the final model looks or how much time it saves you in post 3d-modeling) ? How much more or less time does it add to a photogrammetry reconstruction (scan, render, put some hours in 3d remodeling, etc.) workflow?
- For a large space (say a 20 x 20 foot room scattered with some stuff) how much of a difference would you get from a photogrammetry only scan and a LiDAR scan for volumetric reading and other measurements? I know there are a million variables here, but I’m wondering for an internal 20x20 room, are we off by cms, inches or feet if we had to guess?
Again, I know these questions have a million unknowns, I’m just trying to gauge if I need to rent one of these things for a month or a week before I become confident that I’ve got good data from the scanner for my RC reconstructions.