Lidar point cloud

my point cloud isn’t showing up in my game. I’m getting a weird big cross of points. The point cloud is showing up fine it the editor but when I package the game or just simulate it no point cloud shows up or just a few point show up.

I’m also seeing this issue whenever I save a project with point clouds and then re-open it; they all appear in this cross or starbust shape. Any luck figuring out what the problem is?

I have that same problem too. I always have to re-import it. Sadly I have not found a solution yet

Happened to me when I changed the render settings. Might be a random error, now that I read your post

Which render setting did you mess with?
I will check that on mine. Thanks

It was the option to enable path tracing for the point cloud. I pretty much checked most of the rendering options and all of a sudden I was left with those random seeming dots along the coordinate systems axles. Reverting did not recover the point cloud, that´s why I suspect something is still not stable.

I had a look at the Houdini plugin, they offer a solution, but I have not had time to test this out.

LIDAR sample Project for 5.2

At least I’m not the only one experiencing this problem. I also made a thread regarding this issue. Has anyone figured out exactly what’s going on? Simply importing and viewing a LIDAR point cloud should be relatively plug and play, so it’s incredibly frustrating to have try to sort through a bunch of issues right out of the gate.

For clarity, I haven’t changed anything on my point clouds. No render settings. Nothing. Just import and view the cloud once (with no colors, so another problem), then close and reopen the editor. The result is as described above- a tiny fraction of points rendering around the axes issue identified above.

I’ve tried this with numerous different LAS and LAZ files (testing e57 when I get a chance), reinstalling/re-enabling the plugin, and multiple different different versions of the editor (5.2, 4.27, and 4.24). 4.24 will render the full point cloud again on reopening, but still without coloring any of the points.

Edit: I was wrong about the missing of colors. All of the point cloud files I was initially using did not have colors saved in the files.

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For anyone else that comes across this, someone in another thread mentioned this issue where the vast majority of the points stop rendering is fixed in the 5.3 editor. I tested this with multiple LAS, LAZ, and e57 files in the 5.3 editor. Sure enough, I’ve had no problem getting the full point cloud to continue rendering in play mode and after restarting the editor.

I submitted a bug report for editor versions 5.2, 4.27, and 4.24 prior to being tipped off about 5.3, but I doubt Epic will do anything with the bug report.

Edit: I was wrong about the colors. All of the point cloud files I was initially testing did not actually have the colors saved in the files. After getting some new files that I confirmed (with the CloudCompare app) have colors saved in the files, I no longer have any problems using point clouds (in 5.3).

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