Licensing for Pre-Rendered Graphics

In 2018 atypic from Unreal Staff said:

“STAFF UPDATE - after internal consideration, we’re going to change the Licensed Technology definition in the near future. After that change, a linear-only use of UE4 will be royalty free, even if used in another engine’s game.”


But in 2021 i still can’t find a clear answer from UNREAL STAFF.

We have to pay Royalty on video rendered out in Unreal Engine 4, used in a separate engine?


In the Unreal Forum a moderator (darthviper107) wrote:

You don’t have to pay royalty on non-interactive media, so rendered stills and animations don’t have royalty. (using the engine for pre-rendered cut scenes to use in another engine.)

SOURCE: I Unreal Engine license question, using the engine for pre-rendered cut scenes.