Licensing - Credits

Hello, Wanted to ask if i buy Assets on Marketplace and then i use them in my game.
Did i need to mention Author in the Credits of note? I am not sure about this part in the Marketplace credits.

Thanks for answering

check this. Marketplace Guidelines - Unreal Engine
to be simple, do whatever you want long as you show them to others in Unreal Engine.

show them what? i dont understand it

Hi Adriel,

I think this depends on the conditions the asset developers mention in their assets. If you e.g. buy 3D objects from some 3D marketplace they often state the license for the purchase, if you only can use it for editorial purposes, commercial ones, or only for personal use, etc.

When I released a PlayStation VR game as a solo indie developer I bought lots of assets, and in the the credits I mentioned every single asset I bought. I think I didn’t have to do it, but in my opinion the other developers deserve the honor to be mentioned, all of them, from the smallest mesh to the biggest environment art.

And when you are doing it like that you don’t have to break your head about who has to be mentioned or not, just mention all of them. :slight_smile:


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welp I may have been too brief to express the meaning sry for that.
I mean that except for something that’s obviously violative, no matter how you tweaked and modified these assets, all that you need to do is to use, render them in Unreal Engine and then show the result to others.
That’s the bottom line.

Yeah i asking about UE Marketplace assets, They mostly using just UE Epic License and not any another. Also i asking that because my project use Sensitive Topics. So i think that not all will want to be contributed in Credits. But also is impossible to ask all of them.

Hey @AdrielEtriss! Welcome to the Forums!

You should reach out to Ureal Engine Marketplace support for information on what you need licensing wise:

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