License question.

I wonder if I interpret it correctly.

You dangle “free” assets carrot. I implement said “free” assets in a project.

Couple years from now I open LLC (which is legaly seperate entity from me as individual) and now said LLC wants to use those “free” assets. Except license according to my memory of your EULA was non transferable correct? No biggie, just get “free” license by install… wait it no longer will exist in 2025. Therefore is LLC forced to rebuy all the assets from fab couple years from now? Realistically if I can’t remember every single one of them I used so does that mean entire library? Or am I missing something?

If you are talking about Megascans, just because you don’t remember it it doesn’t mean they don’t. You can find a list of everything you downloaded in the Quixel account activity

Yeah, but at the same time it doesn’t mean he used every asset he’s downloaded.