License Question - Using UE4 to output a product for another game engine?

I have assets created in Blender. I then import these assets into UE4 to put them all together that can then be interacted with by the player. I then export these assets from UE4 using my custom C++ exporter to be used in another game engine. Is this considered to be under the end-user license? Again, I would only be using UE4 to put game assets together that is in a interactable format in UE4, then exported out to another game engine. The exporting process, for example, would read a Blueprint script and convert the entire Blueprint into a LUA script, also converting UE4 function bindings. I guess you can look at this as a cross-compilation from UE4 to X. More examples could be made, such as importing animations, setting up in UE4 animation blends, notifies, state machines, etc, then exporting all these components out into a different format. Is this process bound then by the end-user license?

You should probably email Epic about that, I can see some OK uses for example if you make a game in UE4 and want to port it to a different engine maybe you would make a tool to convert Blueprints to a format that the other engine could use. But what it sounds like you’re doing is using Blueprints because it’s easier than what the other engine offers so it’s still kind of using UE4 as a development tool.

When you say it like this, and the intentions of the developer is as you say, then the output of the export (which is a Product to be used in another game engine) would be under the EULA? I understand you can interpret to the best of your ability, and I appreciate your response.

If I can explain a little more about the export process… in hope to provide enough information for someone with more knowledge of the subject could respond with a more definitive answer… The export process would include all of UE4 internals to be converted to the other game engine, which would include things like the rendering system, shader code, UE4 function bindings, runtime modules, etc. Anything linked to UE4 in the UE4 subsystem would be completely removed after the export process. I’m just trying to get an idea of how the EULA governs this kind of output. Thank you again for your time.

If that’s what you’re doing then no, you aren’t allowed to use UE4 code outside of UE4

Yes I understand that. UE4 code is the property of Epic Games. I will try to come up with a use-case and use e-mail as you suggested earlier. Thank you for your time.