license agreements

Hello, I have questions about licenses and so on.

  1. Do I have to sign a license agreement with Epic games to make a free game created in the Ue4 engine available?

  2. What do I have to do to legally make a free game created in the UE4 engine available?

  3. Is the Eula license granted immediately after installing the Unreal engine and do I have to fill out anything regarding this license?

I need help because I want to make my game available for free and I don’t know how to do it legally

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Hey there @BycGraczem1! Welcome to the community! If you plan to monetize the game, you’ll send this release form here and maybe the royalty tracking form quaterly depending:

However if you don’t plan to monetize at all, you can just go ahead and release without a worry. The EULA and license information applies the moment you install Unreal, however the monetization portion of the license only matters if you’re making revenue. If you’re just releasing free products to learn and hone your craft, you have nothing to worry about. Though I’d advise to read through the EULAs anyway just to know what you can and can’t do with assets (basics are that everything you get from Epic or other Epic subsidiaries like Quixel have to be used in Unreal only).

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