i have trouble with re-size my APK
i use blacklist and use compressed pak file.
and i check unrealpak.exe - list, and my contents are well compressed. (and i can handle it)
but why my libUE4.so = 100mb???
what is in this huge boulder?
development version, only etc2 package, not include additional plugins from default.
When I package for Android using the mobile, 2D/3D settings for the project, a blank project is only 38,531 KB so approx. 38.5MB. When I add in the pak blacklisting, it doesn’t change the size of the KB on a blank project. Is this only happening on Shipping or does it happen on Development as well? Where are you adding your blacklisting files to?
You can’t exclude libUE4.so from your project. It’s the engine which is used to run your game. You can exclude whatever else you need to though and it’ll not be included in the packaged version and it’ll make your APK smaller in size.
This is not helpful. My libUE4.so is 166mb. which make my simple project whole lot bigger. At least tell us what contents so we may try to remove unnecessary things from it.