"Library 'stdc++' was not resolvable..." when creating a C++ Class on UE4

Hello, I’m fairly new to UE4 (4.24 on Ubuntu 16.04) and I’m working with AirSim and Blocks.
Whenever I create a C++ class, I get the following message

A pop up message appears in my right, telling me my build failed and if I open my Message Log, (amongst other things) I get this:

I get the same warning for the library ‘supc++’ and this error:

The .h and .cpp are created in a Source folder within Bocks and AirSim, but nothing appears in the “Content” folder where initially I right clicked it to add a C++ Class and in the “View Options” tab I have a check on the “Show C++ Classes” but nothing appears on my editor…
I did some research and with the help of other forum I think Unreal Header Tool is having a problem with the file/ class that I created, ‘My Actor’.
I don’t know what to do with this information and I’ve searched but couldn’t find others with the same problem.
Can anyone help?

Hi mate, have you had any success in the end ?