Hello there, my name is , but you can call me n1. I do not like to use my real name online because its just not fun. I am a game developer who likes to work on “impossible” or “game breaking” issues. This all started from my modding career for COD: WaW COD: BO3, COD: BO, and ARK: Survival Evolved. During these endeavors, I have been requested multiple times to test out maps and find glitches. I also used to be contacted all the time when there were script errors. I learned most fields that are used in game design including: scripting, modeling, animation, mapping, and most importantly testing and finding ways around issues (I know more, but those are just the basics). After Modding, I moved on to making my own games. Sadly, I lack the imagination to create something from scratch. This is why I decide to spend my time helping out indie devs and modders with testing their games or mods. My payment is entertainment since I got bored of the current games in my library and lack the imagination to make my own. Since I am in college for web design and I work full-time, I can not start anything until ~4:00 PM EST and on Wednesdays (at least currently) I wont be able to get on until ~9:00 due to my only physical class. I am very capable of writing multiple pages worth of testing bugs and glitches with the method that I used to get that glitch. I can also provide feedback on how to possibly fix the issues using my extensive knowledge in the fields surrounding game development. My computer is pretty good so I can handle all the high performance demanding games that are currently out. If you are interested in having me test your game for free, please hit me up: [EMAIL=“”] or just send me a PM.