Hi! I’m an American Senior Game Software Engineer and I’m looking to get experience with Unreal (I mostly work with custom engines and Unity).
I am offering to work at a Pay-What-You-Want rate - that is, I track the hours and you pay me at whatever hourly rate you want! This is primarily to help me get experience with Unreal, but also offers a flexible rate to indie developers!
Here’s a quick overview of my recent commercial projects -
[FONT=Times New Roman]Arra[FONT=Times New Roman] (Android)
[FONT=Times New Roman]Augmented reality remote assistance application in Unity for Android.
[FONT=Times New Roman]*Press at *[FONT=Times New Roman]Moback and U.S. Navy sign CRADA for AR research to enhance fleet readiness | by Moback | moback-news | Medium](Moback and U.S. Navy sign CRADA for AR research to enhance fleet readiness | by Moback | moback-news | Medium)
[FONT=Times New Roman]ExxoVR[FONT=Times New Roman] (PC, Android, Web)
[FONT=Times New Roman]Virtual reality shared engineering experience application in Unity for Windows, Android, and Web.
[FONT=Times New Roman]*Preview at *[FONT=Times New Roman]https://exxovr.com/](https://exxovr.com/)
[FONT=Times New Roman]The Sims 4[FONT=Times New Roman] (PC)
[FONT=Times New Roman]Major title in the EA Sims Franchise written in C++ and EASTL.
[FONT=Times New Roman]Tools written in C++, C#, Python, WPF, and WinForms.
[FONT=Times New Roman]*Available at *[FONT=Times New Roman]http://www.thesims.com/the-sims-4](http://www.thesims.com/the-sims-4)
[FONT=Times New Roman]Lustre[FONT=Times New Roman] (iPhone)
[FONT=Times New Roman]An iPhone puzzle game written in C++ and Boost.
[FONT=Times New Roman]Tools written in C++/CLI.
[FONT=Times New Roman]*Available at *[FONT=Times New Roman][COLOR=#0000ff][FONT=Times New Roman][SIZE=12px]https://itunes.apple.com/app/id386263855](https://itunes.apple.com/app/id386263855)[/SIZE][/COLOR]
[FONT=Times New Roman]Space Impact: Kappa Base[FONT=Times New Roman] (Nokia S60)
[FONT=Times New Roman]Engine, tools, and application written in C++ and Boost.
[FONT=Times New Roman]*Available at *[FONT=Times New Roman][COLOR=#0000ff][FONT=Times New Roman][SIZE=12px]www.space-impact.com](http://www.space-impact.com/)[/SIZE][/COLOR]
[FONT=Times New Roman]Tae Kwon Do World Champion[FONT=Times New Roman] (PC)
[FONT=Times New Roman]Application written in C++ and Python.
[FONT=Times New Roman]*Available at *[FONT=Times New Roman][COLOR=#0000ff][FONT=Times New Roman][SIZE=12px]www.tkdgame.com](http://www.tkdgame.com/)[/SIZE][/COLOR]
My Pay-What-You-Want rate is available for off-site work. On-site work rate is negotiated on an individual basis.
My resume is attached to this post, so please have a look and contact me at bryanedds@gmail.com if you’re interested!
Thank you for your interest!