[LFW PAID] Chad Gibson - UE4 Generalist, Houdini Artist, Former Motion Designer

Hello there!
I come from a background in video production and motion graphics. A couple years ago I started learning and tinkering in Unreal Engine and have since become absolutely obsessed with it. I’m looking for a good team to lend my time and talents to and while I’ve been transitioning away from video and advertising work, I’m more than happy to help with that as well. Ideally looking for full-time and long-term, but I’m open and flexible. Thank you for your time!


Unreal Engine - 2.5yrs

  • Blueprint Programming
  • Level and Gameplay Design
  • Lighting and Materials
  • Landscapes
  • Sequencer and Cinematics
  • Niagara VFX
  • Sound Design and Music

Houdini - 1.5yrs

  • Procedural Modeling
  • HDA Tools and Integration

Quixel - 2yrs

  • Mixer and Bridge


Email: chad@something-scientific.com
Discord: crockp0t#7836

Quick Reel:

Absolutely welcome, please and thank you!