LevelSequence is not applying the transform changes on child assets after the 26.00 update.

Hi, we have a level sequence moving around a drone (the drone is a blueprint) on the island. This drone has a “device trigger perception” as a child node.
It was working fine until the 26.00 update. After the update, the “Device trigger perception” is not being moved anymore while the drone is moving by the sequence (during gameplay). To validate that, I changed a verse code to print the “Device trigger perception” “Transform.Translation.X … Y … Z” and it’s always the same while the sequence plays. I can see the drone moving without a problem. I also added one sphere (FortStaticMeshActor) as a child of the “Device trigger perception,” and another sphere as a child of the drone, and both spheres are also not being moved while the sequence is playing during the game.
Note: if a play the sequence on the editor, I can see all the drone children (“Device trigger perception” and spheres) moving with the drone.

I’m attaching an image with the drone node structure on the outliner so you can easily understand it.

How can we fix that?

I want to share a quick update on this issue.
I created an empty project with the same asset structure in the outline, and I created a simple sequencer to move it.
I can’t see the problem on the empty project, and the log prints the movement correctly.

I’m investigating the project to see what is different since this one was not created on 26.00 like the empty project I created to validate the structure and sequencer.