I got off on the wrong foot building a Level in WorldPartition, only to realize I needed these many assets split between different Levels, so I created a new Blank level and pasted into it all the assets from the WorldPartition level. I repeated that with other new levels, the pertinent assets having been copied from the first new (Persistent) level. All good, that is until one of these new levels wouldn’t save, an error citing a reference to Persistent. I’ve chased my tail attempting to isolate the root cause, my game being simply, only default Level Blueprints, only one Actor with a BP, have tried cleaning up references, various things, but I then discovered a fix, albeit temporary, the behavior of levels not savings keeps returning, how to solve for that. The fix was to simply open the original WorldPartition level, then simply open the Persistent level, which then I note that none of the sublevels show a need to save. I’m tempted to delete the WorldPartition level, if not also the HLOD0_Instancing level that was automatically generated during the WorldPartition Level creation.
Thanks for clarifying in simplest possible terms what this tangle between WorldPartition and using Levels portends for this inability to save a Level due to references, and key question being, how can I permanently fix the recurring behavior? Since I have all the assets I need from the WorldPartition Level, I’m tempted to trash it, yes?, and shall I, can I safely, trash the instanced WorldPartition HLOD0 Level as well? Thanks.