Hi folks, My doubt its about the levels separation, what is the best way to make levels on game, I start to make the screens one level at once or by screen? Whats is the best practice?
To play and options menu - one level;
load and save games - other level;
the stage - other level and so on…
Generally you should make your menu work anywhere (on any level) and use entry level as background for it when gameplay level is not loaded, thats how most unreal engine games work since very first unreal 1. If you make level based menu, where you use 3D elements in the level, where the level is integral part of the menu, then create only one level for all menus… why do you want user to reload a level just to enter specific section of menu?
I think I get it, your suggetion its to create one level what will be called, whenever I need it. Like, I have the main HUD level, and this main HUD will be called by the lv1, lv2, lv3 and so on…
And inside of this level HUD I’ll have the main menu, the save menu, the load menu, the levels and etc…