Levels blueprint and UMG blueprint

How to gain levels in the UMG blueprint blueprint for the inside of the variable, or method?

Your question is badly worded I’m sorry it makes no sense. Are you trying to access the level blueprint through UMG?

Your best bet is event dispatchers in your levelBP as taught here by my good friend and community hero hitpawz

Event Dispatchers are best suited for
telling the world something happened,
when you don’t care what they do with
that information. The pattern for
using these is often (but not always)
that something spawns another thing
(e.g. the Level Blueprint spawns a
boss), and they hook the Event
Dispatcher to get a notification when
something important happens for that
spawned thing.

For the boss example, perhaps we want
to open a door when the player kills
the boss. So, the Level Blueprint
would spawn the boss, and then hook
its OnDied Event Dispatcher to an
event that opened the door. That
allows the boss to stay general, as it
doesn’t care what level it’s placed
in, and just provides a “hook” for
anyone that might cares it dies. It
doesn’t just have to be the locked
door though. Maybe all his minions
hook his OnDied delegate, and they all
run away when the boss dies. You can
have as many things as you want hooked
into a single Event Dispatcher. and
all of the Events that are bound to
the dispatcher will fire once the
Event Dispatcher is called.

To sum up, Event Dispatchers are used
to tell anyone interested that
something just happened to you. The
events called by an Event Dispatcher
can be different for different
instances of your Blueprint, or at
different points in gameplay.

Refer to Event Dispatchers for more
detailed information.

When to Use It…

The examples below would be a case
where an Event Dispatcher could be

You want to communicate from your
character Blueprint to your Level
Blueprint. Your player character
levels up and you want to open a
previously locked area. Your player
character presses an action button
that does something in your level.

What your trying to do is probly not the correct way… generaelly you dont cast to/communicate to the levelBP

Don’t forget to accept an answer that best clears your question up or answers it so when the community finds your question in the future via search/google they know exactly what you did to fix it/get it going.


thank you very mush !