Hiya. So I recently blocked out a level in 4.3.1, got all my player/bot spawns set up, and went to go and test it using the Standalone Game feature. Went through all the settings (7 bots, free for all, changed the map to my level’s name e.t.c), but when I went to actually play it, the window loads what seems to be a very old version where I’d done a very small amount of progress.
Choosing the basic “play”/controller button allows me to play the level just fine, but when I press escape to go to the main menu and do the same deal as the Standalone Game sub-choice, it bumps me right back to the old one)
After some poking around I figured out that the UE Project File (called ShooterGame) consisted of this tiny amount of work, while the actual level I had made is saved as a UMAP file in the “content” folder. I had loaded this all up before by double clicking the project file, then going to ">file >open level " and clicking on my level name (Realtimeenvironment.umap).
I guess somewhere along the line I must have saved it as a different format?? So my basic question is; how on earth do I get the level to play in the Standalone Game windowed mode? Can I stick the assets in the project file or other such miracle??