Level transition issue!

I am trying to have my player teleport using set transform to a specific player start in my level. I am using level streaming so that the player is persistent through each level and to keep variables the same. The problem I’m running into is that if I get all actor of class player start and get a copy of it that doesn’t get anything of course. So i tried using get actor of clas with tag and then getting the first actor of player start with a tag that can be updated within the game instance. But again that still didn’t work. What am I missing here? I’m also trying to do this from a new game button in my main menu level that acts as a persistent level to hold the player info inside of.

I don’t know where you’ve got the code to look for the player start, but in this case, in the level BP would be pretty logical. No problems.

But, if you have it in the player ( or game instance etc ), then you have to wait until the player start exists before moving to it. That usually means issuing the stream command, then waiting until you can see the player start. Then move the player.

You can do the wait with a simple delay.

Also be aware, that with player starts there are different tag sections. If you’re looking with ‘get actor of class’, this is the wrong tag

You need


The other tag is used if you want to override the player placement in the game mode, which I don’t think applies to you here, because you are not spawning the player.

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