Level streaming volumes


I have a problem with level streaming volumes. Somehow I cant get a level and a volume associated.
I made a short video of a basic example with the steps that Im doing.

(Firdt Im hiding/unhiding the levels to show you what belongs to what)

There is a persistent level (white floor) and two additional levels (blue and red floor).
The persistent level also has a level streaming volume.
When I select the volume and choose “Select streaming volumes”… nothing happens…
The volume still shows zero level elements.

What am I missing here :confused:


hmmm :frowning:

Really really nobody has a clue for me here ?
The frustrating thing is that there is hardly anything I could test/try out.
I click but it just doesnt work.
When I open the streaming content example, the volumes and the levels are associated as I would do expect.
I just fail to replicate it. The volumes just wont get levels associated with them :frowning:
