Level Streaming Shift

After a bit of frustration and then searching I found the above link which basically describes my problem. The reply mentions a fix, has this not been added? I seen that you are working 4.5.1 and cherry picking additions. I’m still very new to all of this and am way over my head but I haven’t drowned yet. :smiley: This is becoming the biggest hindrance to me working on the two map ideas I have. In the post it mentions turning off gravity. I don’t know if I misclicked gravity on somehow or what, but how would I go about turning it off in the entire project until I’m ready.

Has anyone else experienced this?

I am also experiencing a bug where my viewport goes black like I am within a mesh but I’m out in freespace trying to move around the map. It started happening after updating the Dev Kit recently.

Very odd, have not heard of this one happening myself. By the way that link shows posts in March 2014 which is pretty well before the late october 2014 release of 4.5.1 so couldn’t imagine it not being in there.

I’m guessing you’ve verified that your up to date on steam and github files?

I certainly have. Thanks for the reply! I will try and get a screen capture of it happening. It’s very frustrating to have things shift for no reason, and if I don’t catch it and save it shifted. -.-

In regards to the last bug you mentioned (not sure about the first at all, sorry), are you by chance loading up the desired level manually (like a sublevel of theisland) and not through the Level Window? I doubt thats what the issue is for the black viewport, but I figured I’d ask just to be sure.

I captured a video using some software I grabbed quickly since my shadowplay is apparently bugged. I recommend watching it at .5 for a quick view, or .25 to see the last part. Because it was captured at an accelerated rate for some reason.

And as I said, it basically describes the effect. Where mine always shifts on the x or y axis. And it will sometimes revert to the proper area when trying to move it even by 1 grid space in any direction. Other times it will not.

I had to actually try to reproduce the shift, it occurs within the final moments of the video. But the blackscreening is super evident, note that it does not happen during Unlit or any mode other then Lit.

Usually the shift of placed things happens pretty often when switching from one current level to the other. but of course, when you want to show something.

Let me know if it is something super simple I am oblivious too!

I am currently having this exact same issue! Any ideas how to prevent this from happening? its absolutely infuriating and means any time spent putting assets down is ultimately wasted when they fling themselves half way across the map. :frowning:

I had this happen to me once. I don’t remember how i resolved it, since, I have had like 10 billion other issues since …

I want to say, that, the levels are not lined up properly, or the world settings are incorrect for the additional maps. Make sure all your maps are within X/Y -1,000,000, 1,000,000 as they can not exceed that.
The only thing i can think of, is, that your landscape itself is shifting, not the rest. I wonder if you have the setting turned on in World Settings for Nav System and Rebasing. Those, i believe, should be off.

It was the rebasing setting which was turned on causing everything to move, thank you so much! :smiley:

Glad i could help