Level Streaming Problem

Hi! So I’m working on a game that is going to create a dungeon Binding of Isaac style and I want to use level streaming to accomplish this. I’ve set up my level streaming to create instances of the 2 sublevels and place them where my algorithm determines. The issue I’m having though, is some of the levels don’t show up. I decided to place static meshes in a separate grid next to where the levels should stream in and the result is shown below.

On the right is where I spawned a mesh at every location in the grid that contains a sublevel. On the left is the actual result of streaming in the level instances.

Here is the blueprint of me spawning the levels and setting their transforms, and also of me spawning the static meshes in the same locations (using an offset for the meshes).

Does anyone have any ideas why this might be happening? I can’t figure it out. Is it possible that this is a bug with the level streaming process?



Figured it out. To anyone having this issue, make sure your unique instance name is unique. Mine was, but for some reason it still wasn’t working. I was using the grid location (5x2 or 4x8) as the name, but what fixed it was switching the unique name to simply be the current index of the array (1, 2, 3, etc). I’m not sure why the grid location wasn’t working, but oh well.