I am trying to use C++ to do the level streaming. But for some reason, I can’t re-load the level back after unloading it.
I checked with UE_LOG and I find out that the level is “deleted” after unloading it. I can still find it in the level editor with no visibility but can’t reload it. How can I get the hidden level reloaded after unloading it ? Below is my coding.
FString AtestActor::Swap()
if (bSwap)
FLatentActionInfo Info;
//UGameplayStatics::UnloadStreamLevel(this, FName(NewLevel), Info, true);
UGameplayStatics::UnloadStreamLevelBySoftObjectPtr(this, TestLevel, Info, true);
UE_LOG(LogTemp, Warning, TEXT("%s"), *NewLevel);
return NewLevel;
FString AtestActor::OpenLevel()
if (bOpenLevel)
FLatentActionInfo Info;
//UGameplayStatics::LoadStreamLevel(this, FName(NewLevel), true, true, Info);
UGameplayStatics::LoadStreamLevelBySoftObjectPtr(this, TestLevel, true, true, Info);
UE_LOG(LogTemp, Warning, TEXT("%s"), *NewLevel);
return NewLevel;
I also find out that in the output log LogLevel: ActivateLevel /Game/UEDPIE_0_NewWorld 1 0 1 after unloading the level. Does that mean anything for the level?