I’ve upgraded my project to 4.23 and have noticed that I’m not able to properly delete streamed levels from the Level windows. I.e. when I go to remove the unwanted stream level from the Levels window, it seems to remove fine. Then when I leave the map, go into a different one, then go back to the original map, the ‘removed’ level reappears in the Levels window as though I haven’t deleted it.
Try to delete the level from the project folders, and right click the blue Unreal file the the project folders and click “Geneate Visual Studio project files”
Unfortunately I need the levels for later so I can’t delete it from the project. Generating Visual Studio project files didn’t help the problem either.
I would consider creating a backup of the level locally, deleting the level, and allowing it to appear as a broken reference, then remove the broken level reference, save everything and reopen again. If that correctly removed the streaming level then restore your local copy and the streaming level should remain off of the list of the persistent level.