Level Stream: Can I change the location of a streamed level?

When streamed, a level is always loaded at the same spot. Can I change it? E.g. if I saved a house as a level, can I stream it at different locations to populate the map?

There are two ways to move your streaming level:

In the editor: go to the Levels tab, select on the streaming level you want to move, and click on the icon in that tab that looks like a magnifying glass (just to the right of the button where you add a new streaming level).

In the level blueprint: add a Get Streaming Level node, drag a pin off it, and add a Set Level Transform node. Edit the new transform there. (I didn’t actually test this though)

Just a note, I don’t think you can load the same streaming level multiple times in the same persistent level. I don’t know if this is what you wanted.

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Note, setting the Level Transform won’t work in PIE (Play In Editor) mode - see this question and answer for more details.


	ULevel *Level = StreamingLevel->GetLoadedLevel();
	if (!Level)

	Level->ApplyWorldOffset(WorldOffset, bActorsOnly);

	if (!bActorsOnly)
		UWorld *World = WorldContextObject->GetWorld();


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Holp this can help you: https://youtu.be/hLIs0Bou7mU

Have you figured it out?

When you click 'Summon Level Details, (see above) there is an X Y Z entry boxes, changing these changes the entire level position! :slight_smile:

Now with the packaged levels you can have many instances of those, ideal if you do not need to bake lights. if not, you may need to bake the lights for each instance, so still and maybe that is the heaviest part.

Still, the packaged levels are very efficient for example managing the drawing calls.

You could check my post in other thread.