Level Sequencer to control Blueprint variables and functions

Hi there,

maybe it has already been posted elsewhere but as I plan doing a short trailer with UE4 it would help a lot when the following two features would be implemented:

(1) Ability to animate any (exposed) custom (bool, float, string, …) variable from a Blueprint (Actor) Class. This way the state of an actor instance could be changed and the actor could update on the next tick using the animated value.

(2) Ability to animate / call functions of a Blueprint (Actor) Class with individual parameters (or better: function parameter tracks?!). This would allow to execute specific functions of an actor instance at any given time in the sequencer. Each call should have its own parameter values!

Both features would help with custom event driven animations and changes that relate to specific actor instances in the scene.

As I heard in a live stream property animation is potentially planned for sequencer? So this would be feature (1)? For 4.12? But animating functions calls (->2) would also be totally awesome!

Thanks :slight_smile:

Any update regarding this FR? Will 4.12 incorporate any of these suggestions already or will 4.13 do it? Matinee already can animate some single variables however given the potential of Sequencer it would be sad not to be able to animate variables from Blueprints somehow. Not to forget Blueprint function call animation which would be my most-wanted feature request of them all :slight_smile:

Thank you.

Is this possible in 4.12? I converted a Matinee to Sequencer and I did get tracks in the generated Sequencer with the values for the Blueprint variables I was controlling in the Matinee, but they don’t seem to work. I was trying to recreate them but I can’t find a way of doing it within the Sequencer editor. In the Blueprint, under the variable settings I can only see “Expose to Matinee” but not “Expose to Sequencer”.


Besides exposing to Matinee, you must also set the variable as public. I believe this is actually a bug and reported it here: Blueprint variables should not be required to be public in order to be visible in Sequencer - Cinematics & Media - Epic Developer Community Forums

Hoping this is possible in 4.13 or a soon update.