Level sequencer ensure condition failed when play reverse, why?

I’m in UE5.4.3

While I was playing level sequencer and reverse playing it again, I encountered an ensure condition fail:

[File:D:\build\++UE5\Sync\Engine\Source\Runtime\MovieScene\Private\MovieSceneSequencePlayer.cpp] [Line: 1172]
LogOutputDevice: Error: Ensure condition failed: PositionRelativeToStart >= DurationWithSubFrames

From the C++ code, it seems to suggest the start play position CANNOT exceed or equal to the sequencer’s duration.
It make sense when playing reverse, start position cannot exceed the sequencer’s duration - but why can’t it be equal?
In this case, how does one play reverse without failing this ensure condition?

Here’s a related post:

It’s a bug that’s been fixed and will come out with the next 5.4.4 hotfix release.

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Thank you for linking the post!

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