Level Sequence Transform Keyframing carried over in level before sequence fires?

Hey y’all,
So, all I’m trying to do is have one of my NPCs (very simple AI, can’t even walk around) to teleport from one spot to another during a sequence. Which, I have figured out just fine and it works well, but ONLY while the sequencer is active/playing.

I can’t get the character to stay in the right spot (pre-sequence location) before the sequence plays when I run the level. When I play the level, the character isn’t standing where they should be, they are standing in their ending location (from the sequence that isn’t even playing yet! Then, when the sequence plays, they snap back to their correct initial spot and animate to where want them to go (since I animated these keys in the sequence).

Oddly enough, even if I move them to a new location and key that in sequencer, it doesn’t change where they are initially placed in the level when I play. it seems to have got hung on this spot regardless of any further changes I’ve made to the sequence (i.e. this spot isn’t even a keyframed location anymore, but they are still there).

To drive this home further, even if I completely delete all keyframes from sequencer, the character STILL stands in that wrong location. I can’t make heads or tails of it. It looks like somehow the character’s standard position, which isn’t keyframed due to it just being placed in the level outside of a sequence, gets changed to the same value as the keyframe. But, the level doesn’t update it, it just keeps standing in the old location (when I’m not playing) until I play. If I delete the actor track from the sequence in finally shows up in the ‘truthful’ location, and I can manually move it back to the right spot, which is the only way I know how to fix the problem.

Any ideas on what I can do to keep it in the right spot before the sequence plays?
thanks so much for your time!

If I understand what you’re saying, this is actually the intent of the system. Sequencer stores pre animated values so that it can return properties to their original values when done. There’s actually an option in each track/section that allows you to determine what it should do when the sequence finishes evaluating. You’ll see the option called “When Finished”. The default is to “Restore State” - return it back to its pre animated values. Alternatively, you can have it “Keep State” - keep things as they are.

However, I believe you’re talking about values before sequencer takes over. The only way you can modify these values at the moment is to close sequencer and modify them. Or you can also open your level and move things around before you open sequencer. One of the main reasons the system is designed this way is that we didn’t want changes while you’re in sequencer to “pollute”/change the level.

Sounds like you want a way to push sequencer values to the objects default values. This is a workflow we haven’t considered. I think it would be reasonable to have a right click menu option that pushes that tracks values back to the level. Thanks for the suggestion. I’ll see if we can work it into our feature backlog.

Thanks Max.
I didn’t realize that having Sequencer open while editing put me in a different ‘edit state’. Makes sense, and sounds very reasonable.
User error! :slight_smile: