Level Sequence references Level asset

I have issue unused level included in packaged build. I investigated and figured out that the problem is Level Sequence asset references Level assets.

The level sequence is composed of simple camera movement(camera spawned by sequencer) and sequence’s reference viewer is looks like this:

I think level sequencer should not reference the level asset so I set the category as bug. Any workarounds or fix to this situations?


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These are expected soft references between the level assets and the level sequence so that sequencer can bind to these objects and animated them.

No. This is not the solution. I would like to clarify that another level is referencing the Level Sequence, but it should not be. The level sequence was created in the main level, not the referenced level, therefore, how are you supposed to delete that other level without deleting the sequences altogether from the main level?

That would be a NIGHTMARE if this is the case, having to rebuild over 100 sequences because there is no way to change the reference location where they are storing additional data.