Level Sequence not working through LevelInstance?


My project currently houses many Level Instances and we use Engine 5.3.
My Level Sequence animations, which are in a level Instance now, are not playing anymore from another level, even though the Level Instances are loaded.

Before, all my objects and level animation were in a single level and it all worked fine. Not sure how to make this work across different (instance) levels.

Looking for some advice/tutorial.

Thank you.

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You’re going to need a GAME INSTANCE.

A BP_GAMEINSTANCE will act as a GLOBAL BLUEPRINT that will allow levels to communicate with one another.


The reason you don’t want levels to directly communicate with one another is because unforeseen runscript can occur.

Just make sure that when you do create a GAME INSTANCE, you set this instance as default in the editor settings (or you can use the default):

Thank you for your reply,

Oke so i need game instance. I’ve made one myself now called ProjectGameIntsance.

It’s empty. What am i suppose to do in here in order to make sure that alle levels can communicate to each other?

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Here’s a video explaining how to use it. It’s only 8 minutes long.

Game Instances are not complicated. You just treat them like regular blueprints.